Read Our Story
"Samachar Hub" is a news platform crafted by Devraj Bhatta during his semester break to sharpen his skills in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, GitHub, and APIs. It collects news from all over the world using ''. This website serves as a practice ground, offering news across Business, Technology, Sports, and Entertainment categories. Utilizing APIs, Samachar Hub collects and delivers the latest updates to its audience. With a dedication to simplicity and accessibility, our aim is to provide a seamless news browsing experience for users of all backgrounds. By leveraging version control systems like GitHub, we ensure continuous improvement and collaboration in our development process. Samachar Hub stands as a testament to the power of hands-on learning, where real-world projects become the cornerstone of skill refinement. As we evolve, we remain committed to delivering accurate, timely, and engaging content to our readers. Thank you for joining us on this journey of growth and exploration in the vast landscape of digital news dissemination.
Samachar Hub might make mistakes. Please verify important news.